Monday 7 July 2014

Progression with introduction - production log #2

 This week I have been focusing on my introduction that I have written in order to support my language investigation.
I had already written a introduction for a title which I was going into investigating however I thought deeply about how I was going to investigate the language used when parents talk to their children of different genders, it would be difficult especially to find the right people who would actually like to be recorded. Due to people not being recorded it will be hard for me to find a family who would want to  have a conversation which is recorded

So therefore I had to look into other possible topics which which would not make my investigation as hard, so I thought of investigating about how language is used to appeal to different audiences of a certain product aimed at them on an online website. So therefore i could look into different websites which are specific (gift or clothing) and analyse the language used to describe certain products to different genders. 

Thursday 3 July 2014


Abstract Noun - a noun that refers to a concept, state, quality or emotion. It's a noun which is not tangible. e.g- 'My son, you will get all the freedom you want later, listen to my advice right now'.
Acronym -  A new word made from the initial letters of all the words in a name or phrase. e.g- UNICEF, DIY.
Adjacency Pair - dialogue that follows a set pattern when 2 people in a conversation talk. e.g- 'Hey', 'Heloo' How are you?', 'I'm good thanks, how about you?' (when 2 people are greeting each other.
Affixation - the process of adding an affix before (prefix) or after (suffix) an existing word to change either its meaning or grammatical function.  e.g - hypertext, 
Amelioration - a word takes on a different, more positive meaning than it had previously, thereby gaining status – ‘pretty’ meant sly but now means attractive.
Assimilation - Changes of pronunciation to make saying two words next to each other easier, “our owl” can be pronounced as “are owl” or “arowl” to avoid having to say the two hard vowel sounds between 'our' and 'owl'.
Blending - when parts of two words are combined to make a new one, e.g spork (spoon and fork), Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge)
Cliche - an expression that has lost its novelty value due to being overused. e.g -
When you have lemons, make lemonade: This cliché encourages you to have a positive attitude even when things are going bad.
Clipping - when a shortened version of a work becomes a work in is own right. e.g - Mobile and Demo.
Coining - the general term for creating new words.
Colloquialism - an established set of informal terms used in everyday language. e.g- 'Hey, that's cool dude!'
Comparative Adjective - the form of comparing two items:adjectives inflected with 'ER' or combined with 'more' are in the comparative form.
Complement - part of a sentence that comes after the verb and is needed to make the sentence complete
Compound word - a word made up of two or more stems
Conjunctions - a word that connects part of a sentence
Contraction - a shortened version of a word created by omission of letters.
Conversion- the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form e.g. the noun ‘green’ in golf (referring to a ‘putting-green’) is taken from the adjective green. 
Declarative Sentence- sentences that are used to make statements and convey information e.g. he walked out.
Demonstratives- used to tell us whether something is near or far from the speaker or writer and also shows singular or plural e.g. this book (singular, near), those books (plural, distant).
Determiner- something used with a noun that restricts the meaning by limiting the reference of the noun e.g. a boy, the girls,
Double Negative- when two negatives are used within one sentence.
Elison - when sounds or syllables are left out in speech to make pronunciation easier and quicker. They end up sounding like they're slurred together, e.g. d'ya instead of do you.

Euphemism - A word or phrase that is used as a substitute for harsher or more unpleasant sounding words or concepts.

Exclamatie Sentence - A sentence that has an expressie function and ends with an exclaimation mark.

Figurative Language - Language that is used in a non-literal wat to create images and form comparisons, e.g. metaphor and simile.

Filler - A sound produced by speakers to keep a conersation going and avoid silence, e.g. mm.

Fricative - A group of consonant sounds in English produced by forcing air through restriced passage (e.g. between the lips or teeth). Some of the English fricatives are th sounds, f, v, s, z, j sounds, and sh sounds.

Glottal Stop - A sound produced when the ocal cords interrupt the flow of air , often to replace a /t/ sound (e.g water becomes wa-uh).

Hyperbole - when exaggeration is used for effect.

Idiom - A saying that doesn't make sense if interpreted literally but is understood because it's commonly used e.g I could eat a horse.

Imperative sentences - A sentence that gies orders, adice or directions. It starts with a main verb and doesn't have a subject.

Completed Introduction Essay

For my language investigation I am going to observe parents on how they communicate with their children. To make the investigation more simple I am going to be specific in town going to investigate the language I will be and it analysing how parents talk to their children (son and daughter) - gender. This will link in with the field of Academic linguistic research language and gender. There are a few key researchers in the field which I know about due to learning them in AS I can link in more depth and analyse the language the parents use and relate them to the theorists. The reason I want to explore this topic is that every day I see parents talking to their children differently whether it is at home or outdoors,  I would like to analyse further in depth on how the language changes when they speak to one child to another child, I would like to see whether it's due to the gender. As it's shown that the dad's would talk more high pitched and relaxed with daughters rather than talking serious and jokey with their sons, I would like to see whether it's stereotypical or true.
The style research which I will conduct will be empirical. The data and methods I will use for this investigation would be recording conversations between a parent and a child and then another recording on a parent talking to the other child.  I will have to type up a transcript of both conversations. The discourse analysis will be spoken however I  will be typing up a transcript of the conversation recording and analyse the transcript.
The aims of my research is to prove the stereotypes are wrong, and get a wider knowledge about the communication between the parent and child, also the aim of research to understand the basics of children and parent’s relationships and their roles in the family and how language could be affected from those issues. Culture could also be another research I could look into, as language that is being communicated has an affect due to social and cultural issues.
The research I will look into is how parents and how they talk to different genders, and look into the role which they expect them to have and what role they have.
The specific question I am trying to attempt to address is on how communication of a parent changes when talking to two different children who are different genders.

Production Log #1 - Intro to the coursework and Ideas

Throughout the past two weeks I have been introduced to the language investigation coursework. I've got informed how this language investigation coursework will work and what the procedure will be when investigating. The good thing about this coursework is that we get to pick our own topic and any media texts to analyse. This coursework is gonna require me analyse text in detail and apply knowledge from AS into my A2 coursework. I also informed on how we can pick a topic which can be related to phone text that we've done a S4 example, landing technology I could look in further depth of how advertising has varied in language furthermore language and power language and gender is also consideration four example the language and power I could possibly analyse how political pains have improved their language to make some more powerful and for language and gender I could see how different genders  talk differently, in which I can relate to few theorists who I've learnt about in AS.
Furthermore there is a good chance of investigating language into something I'm interested in be there at beneficial for me as I'll know more in terms of the field specific lexis.
In lessons we have been sitting and thinking of ideas on what we could investigate, I've had many ideas which vary from each other.
My first Idea  is to investigate and observe how parents talk their kids who are both siblings and different genders or two kids both at different age. This way I can see how language is used by the parents, and how it could affect gender or age.  I could analyse in depth on the different frameworks which is used when the parents are talking to their kids, the Lexis and pragmatics would differ from the two different genders which is good, it would be very comparable in the language they have used to communicate with them. I think intonation will be another fantastic framework for me to understanding the relationship between the two  participants in the conversation.
Another idea for me to investigate language was how fashion advertisements (posters) have changed in terms of language and visually. From the 1950s to now is the perfect time period for me to analyse all the different fashion advertisements as language has changed throughout each decade and is still changing, developing and expanding. Visually I can analyse and how Digital technology has become a massive factor in advertising. In the 1950s it was all about hand drawn effects, posterise affects, images taken on vintage cameras which were only just introduced, whereas nowadays it's all about HD images and more visual appeal rather than a descriptive appeal.
I will be deciding in which idea I should choose,once I've got a clear understanding of what I want to do, i will start writing an introduction in a draft version.
Overall I believe that investigating in a certain topic you are interested in will make the investigation itself more fun and fascinating.